Monday 18 May 2009

Kalle Anka & C:o 1938 (!)

If you are a Swede you are familiar with the classic Kalle Anka & C:o (Donald Duck & Co.) logotype that appeared on the very first issue in September 1948. If you havn't seen it, this is what it looked like:

Now, Thomas Storn at Svenskt Seriearkiv (Swedish Comic Archive) made a find some time ago. A theatrical ad from December 1938. Ten years before the first issue of KA & C:o but with a very, very similar logo!!!

Anyone seen an earlier version or knows the history behind it? Anyone seen it used between 1939-1948? Please let me know!

And fans of Fethry Duck, Al Hubbard and Dick Kinney shouldn't miss David Gersteins post on the first Fethry story "The Health Nut". There are some rare script pages by Kinney like the one below to be found there.:) Go check it out!

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